Friday, April 11, 2008

Action Needed on Harmful Tax Bill

The Chamber is calling action on Senate Bill 701!

SB 701 would allow the local governments in 18 “targeted investment communities” (TIC's) to exempt the first $100,000 in assessed value from most residential properties in computing the local property tax. Waterbury is labeled as a Targeted Investment Communities.

Known as a “homestead exemption,” this proposal would shift millions of dollars in taxes onto commercial and industrial taxpayers. The idea has been around a long time and every session the bill has been rejected by the legislature because of the impact it would have on municipalities that adopted it. The resulting increase in the mill rate would undoubtedly affect manufacturers that still make up an important part of Waterbury. Larger Manufacturers might get by but as we know in the Brass city most of shops are small to midsize manufacturer that might not survive. This bill has steam behind it because the proponents feel that just because the Legislation is in place does not mean the towns have to enact the tax exemption. We know that taxpayer groups and other advocates will fight for enactment and if done the businesses in our towns will pack it up and move elsewhere. This legislation will do nothing but hurt our city and state because once these 18 towns get the exemption every other town will push for it.

It is better that municipalities are never given the chance to adopt the exemption and that towns find other ways to grant relief to all taxpayers.

1 comment:

Tax Free CT said...

We agree. This bill must be killed before it continues to bleed CT businesses.

All Chambers and other business associations in CT should get together and implement the following policy, which must be followed by ALL CT businesses; to wit, as of July 1, 2008, all CT businesses with cease and desist from collecting ALL CT State Sales Taxes until the Legislature, the 'Sovereign?' learns to budget within its means; rescinds legislation and laws/regulations that are driving CT businesses either out of business or out of the state; and end the welfare doles.

How about it folks? 'They' can't put us all in jail; after all, they can't even come up with a sensible Home Invasion or 3 Strikes law!!

Tax Free CT