Friday, April 18, 2008

Please Help Kill This Bill!

House Bill - 5606 "An Act Prohibiting The Storage or Toxic Waste
Near Residential Properties"

The purpose of this bill is to prohibit the storage or disposal of toxic waste at a site abutting residential property. The problem with this legislation is it does not define what "Toxic Waste" is considered. Due to the fact that this act is not defined we cannot allow this legislation to pass.

Another reason to be alarmed is this will also drastically impact the success of the Brownfield legislation we have fought so hard for over the past 3 three years.

The Environmental Committee has passed this bill and is now moving to Appropriations. Now that this bill is with Appropriations we need to make sure our voice is heard. Please reach out to our legislators and let them know that you are opposing this bill.

Here is the Link to the Appropriations Committee

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