Thursday, March 27, 2008

Paid Sick Leave Mandate

State lawmakers continue to advance a government “one-size-fits-all” approach to mandating paid sick leave that will increase business costs, cause workplace disruptions and potentially hurt employees instead of help them.

Approved by the Labor Committee, SB-217 requires employers of 25 or more employees to provide paid sick leave at a minimum of one hour for every 40 hours worked, with unlimited and indefinite carryover to future years.

This will particularly hit many service industry employers and seasonal companies — ironically, the ones who can least afford to give significant time off.
According to a recent CBIA membership survey, 87% of employers said government-mandated paid sick leave would harm their businesses.

Companies need the flexibility to determine which time-off policies work best for their workforce. Many businesses, including those that rely on a part-time or a seasonal workforce, would be put at an operational and competitive disadvantage if the proposal were to be enacted.
While praised for how well its employers take care of their employees, Connecticut was also recently ranked last in the U.S. for how its state government affects the business climate, according to Expansion Management magazine.

Proposals such as SB-217 only make the situation worse, especially during an economic downturn so please contact your legislator's and let them know how you feel. If you have any questions please contact Jeff Rouleau at the Chamber. or by phone 203-757-0701

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