Wednesday, April 1, 2009

URGENT! React fast before it’s to Late!

We need to react quickly on this news. Many of the proposed legislative bills that we oppose could be voted on in the Finance Committee this coming Thursday, April 2nd. The current tax package being voted on will increase taxes by an estimated $2 billion. The following anti-business legislation will be included in this vote:

HB-6348 - Significantly restricts the ability of Connecticut companies to use corporate tax credits, thereby eliminating the effectiveness of credits.

HB-6349 - Extend the sales tax on services to all business and professional services.

HB-6350 - Eliminates all sales tax exemptions, including those for manufacturing machinery and equipment, materials used in the manufacturing process, intercompany transfers.

SB-807 - Mandates unitary reporting (reporting to CT for all a companies revenues, both inside and outside of CT) for all C corporations.

Please contact the members of the Finance Committee and your State senator and State representative (if they are not on the committee) as soon as possible. Make sure your voice is heard and let them know that these bills cannot be passed.

Please call the Chamber and speak with Jeff Rouleau at 203-757-0701 or by e-mail at if you have any questions about these bills.