Thursday, December 18, 2008

Important Dates for the Connecticut General Assembly

-January 7, 2009: Opening Day of the regular legislative session
(On this day, the legislature will adopt their joint operating rules. These rules will set the dates and deadlines for committee work for the next two years).

-Early February: Governor's Budget Address.

-June 3, 2009: Last Day of the regular legislative session.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Manufacturer's Legislative Forum

I recently attended the second annual Manufacturer's Legislative Forum hosted by CONNSTEP on December 3rd. At the forum several manufacturing organizations from across the state attended including the Manufacturing Alliance of Connecticut, New Haven Manufacturers Association, The Small Manufacturers Association of CT, Connecticut Association of Metal finishing, Connecticut tooling and Machining Association and CBIA. Also attending the forum to learn about the issues were 4 of our local legislators: Senator Gary Lebeau (D-3), Representative Beth Bye (D-19), Representative Selim Noujaim (R-74) and the “Freshman” Representative Matthew Lesser who will be representing the 100th district.

The issues were clear as the presenters made their case. Energy, workforce development, and harmful legislation needed to be addressed this legislative session or this failing economy will see new lows that will cripple our state. Each of the organizations stood up and spoke about the potential expanded workers comp benefits and paid sick leave bills that threaten them every session. It was very apparent that this session will be a wild one. We need to all work together and reach out to our legislators to let them know how we feel, otherwise we cannot hold them accountable.

Here are a few interesting stats that I would like to share with you which gave perspective to the importance of manufacturing. Please feel free to share these with your legislators when speaking to them about harmful legislation. These statistics are from the Connecticut Economic Resource Center.

-In 2007, there were 191,400 employees in Connecticut’s manufacturing sector which represents 13.3% of all private, non-farm employees in the state.
-From 2000 to 2007, the state's average manufacturing wage increased from $54,488 to $69,360.-Connecticut’s manufacturing sector was 4th most productive of all 50 states in 2007.
-Manufacturers in Connecticut paid $171 million in sales and use tax in 2007 and their employers paid nearly $580 million in personal income tax in 2006.
-Every manufacturing job in Connecticut creates 3-5 service other sector jobs.

In closing, the legislators were very clear that this session will be a difficult one with the national economy in a recession and the state'ss budget woes. Therefore, it is imperative that everyone reaches out, makes phone calls and send letters to inform their local legislators about the issues and what will directly hurt your company.